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Doctor's Desk
Doctor Analyzing X-Rays

Why choose us?


We offer convenient and personalized services to all our patients 24 hours 7 days a week. Our turn around time is same day, no more than 24 hours for your results. Accuread provides a convenient and often less expensive method of examination without the necessity of transferring the patient.


Your care cost may be covered completely or in part by private health insurance. We will bill private health companies. 


       We also accept Medicare/Medicaid/All Insurances


We work one on one with physicians to insure that their patients receive the most comprehensive medical assistance possible. Accuread is available by request by using a physician's referral/order, or by calling 1-956-447-8300.

Licensed & Registered

Accuread is licensed and registered by the Texas Department'

of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control.

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